Best Time to Post Shorts on Instagram and Frequency

Did you know Instagram reels generate 49% more engagement than carousels and Instagram stories?

That's right, nearly half again as much! As a content creator focusing on Instagram posts and shorts podcasts, this stat about Instagram algorithm hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew I had to up my Instagram reel game and fast and make the Instagram algorithm work for me.

But here's the thing: creating killer Instagram content is only half the battle. The other half is understanding how the Instagram algorithm works and knowing when to unleash your content on the Instagram feed.

So, buckle up! We're about to dive into the juicy details of when and how often to post your Reels for maximum impact on the Instagram app. By the end of this guide, you'll be a Reels timing wizard, understanding Instagram's algorithm like never before!

How Often Should You Be Posting on Instagram?

A social media user shown checking Instagram reels on their phone.

Let's get one thing straight: more isn't always merrier when posting on Instagram. In fact, bombarding your followers with too many posts can backfire faster than you can say, "Instagram algorithms and ranking factors," so check how much you have posted in the past few weeks so we can strategize accordingly.

So, how many posts? Here's the scoop:

  1. For Personal Accounts: Aim for 2-4 weekly Reels on your Instagram feed.
  2. For Brands: Post 3-5 Reels weekly to boost your Instagram presence.

Why this difference? Brands often have more diverse Instagram content to share, from product showcases to user-generated content. But remember, quality trumps quantity whenever it comes to the Instagram reel algorithm!

When's the Best Time to Post Your Reels?

A hand shown balancing a clock and bundle of money on the index finger.

Now for the million-dollar question: when should you hit that "post" button to maximize your chances of appearing on the Instagram Explore page? While there's no one-size-fits-all answer, I've got some insider intel about how the Instagram Explore page algorithm works.

Monday 6 am, 10 am, 10 pm
Tuesday 2 am, 4 am, 9 am
Wednesday 7 am, 8 am, 11 pm
Thursday 9 am, 12 am, 7 pm
Friday 5 am, 1 pm, 3 pm
Saturday 11 am, 7 am, 8 pm
Sunday 7 am, 8 am, 4 pm

Pro tip: Use these times as a starting point for your Instagram strategy, but don't be afraid to experiment with your Instagram posts and find the timing that suits your strategy!

Keeping an Eye on the Analytics

A pair of binoculars held by hands in front of a bright background depicting keen supervision.

Here's a secret weapon in your Reels arsenal: Instagram Insights. This handy tool is like having a crystal ball for your Instagram content. It shows you when your followers are most active and which posts hit the mark, helping you understand how the Instagram feed algorithm works.

  1. Check your "Instagram Insights" regularly
  2. Look for patterns in engagement on your Instagram feed posts
  3. Adjust your posting schedule accordingly to boost your Instagram presence

Remember, your target audience is unique. What works for other Instagram users might not work for you. Be a detective and solve the mystery of your perfect posting time for optimal performance on Instagram's algorithm!

How Can Scheduling Your Shorts Improve Your Engagement?

A woman scheduling her tasks, a nod to how scheduling helps Instagram accounts

Imagine having a personal social media manager who remembers to schedule Instagram posts at the perfect time every time. That's what scheduling does for you! Here's why it's a game-changer for your Instagram strategy:

Consistency is key:

Regular posting keeps your Instagram profile buzzing with activity

Hit the sweet spot:

Post when your audience is most active, even if you're snoozing

Plan like a pro:

Map out your Instagram content strategy in advance

Time is money:

Free up hours to engage with your audience and refine your Instagram strategy

Don't Forget: Content Quality Still Rules

Now, don't get me wrong. All this talk about timing and frequency is crucial, but at the end of the day, high-quality content is still king (or queen!) regarding Instagram algorithm ranking factors. Here are some quick tips to keep your Reels royally awesome and boost your chances of appearing on the Instagram Explore page:

Tell a story:

Every Reel should have a beginning, middle, and end to encourage engagement

Ride the trend wave:

Use popular audio tracks that fit your brand and appeal to relevant users

Visual feast:

High-quality visuals are non-negotiable for success on Instagram's algorithm

Be you:

Authenticity always wins on social media platforms

Supercharge Your Content Strategy with Rizzle

An editor working in front of a monitor, overlay text shows the impressive production time of Rizzle AI!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "This all sounds great, but how can I manage all this?" Well, my friend, let me introduce you to your new secret weapon for creating compelling content: Rizzle.

Rizzle is a game-changing tool that takes your Instagram content creation to the next level. It's not just about Reels - Rizzle helps you create Teasers, Highlights, Clips, and Shorts (THCS) effortlessly, perfect for Instagram and other social media platforms.

Here's why Rizzle is a total game-changer for your Instagram strategy:

AI-Powered Magic:

Rizzle's AI analyzes your content and automatically generates multiple THCS variants. It's like having a team of expert Instagram content creators at your fingertips!

Multi-Platform Optimization:

Say goodbye to the headache of reformatting your video content for different platforms. Rizzle optimizes your video content for TikTok, Instagram Reels, and YouTube Shorts in one go.

Stock Media Galore:

Access 500 million Getty stock videos and images without any extra subscriptions or copyright worries, perfect for creating engaging content.

Smart Scene Selection:

Rizzle's AI picks out the most engaging scenes from your longer content, ensuring your short-form videos pack a punch and perform well on Instagram's algorithm.

Metadata Made Easy:

Rizzle generates optimized titles, descriptions, and relevant hashtags for each platform, boosting your discoverability without the extra effort.

With Rizzle, you can focus on what you do best - creating awesome Instagram content - while it takes care of the technical stuff. It's like having a content creation superpower that understands how the Instagram algorithm works!

Wrapping It Up

So there you have it, folks! The inside scoop on when and how often to post your Reels, plus a killer tool to make it all happen. Remember, consistency is key, timing is crucial, and quality content always wins regarding Instagram's algorithm.

You're ready to take the Instagram Reels world by storm, armed with this knowledge about how the Instagram Reels algorithm works, and Rizzle in your toolkit. So go forth and create, my fellow content warriors! Your Instagram users are waiting, and with the right Instagram strategy, they will love what you've got to show them on their Instagram feed.

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