Create YouTube Thumbnails like Top YouTubers

YouTube success isn’t just about great content—it’s also about getting people to click on your videos. That’s where YouTube thumbnails come in, and nobody does them better than MrBeast, the biggest YouTuber in the world with 315 million subscribers. His eye-catching thumbnails are a crucial part of his massive success on the platform. Using AI thumbnail makers for custom thumbnails can help replicate this success.

YouTube Views Comparison of All The MrBeast Thumbnails

MrBeast's thumbnails have changed over time. Jimmy Donaldson's thumbnail journey from basic game screenshots to eye-catching masterpieces is as exciting as his videos. Let’s compare which of these thumbnails helped MrBeast go from thousands of views to hundreds of millions:

Thumbnail Type
Key Elements Average Views
Monochromatic with Focal Point
Solid color background, single text/element
Text-Enhanced Gameplay
Gameplay image, yellow text overlay
Chromatic with Pop Culture
Rainbow background, celebrity/meme image, white text
Dual-Tone Minimalist
Two-tone blue background, white text, minimal elements
Personality with Graphics
Focused person image, hand-drawn $ signs
Personality Action Shot
MrBeast in action, small setup visible
Concept-Driven Contextual
Bold keyword, themed background elements
Static Gameplay Capture
Random gameplay moments
High-Emotion Screenshot
MrBeast showing extreme emotion
5 million
Emotional Narrative
MrBeast hugging stranger, large white text, green money amount
8 million
High-Contrast Text-Centric
Black background, white text challenge
12 million
Emotional reactions, small text, green highlights
30 million
High-Fidelity Portrait
Close-up of MrBeast, expressive face, expensive background items
150 million
Hyper-Realistic Composite
Animated-style image of MrBeast, extreme background scenarios
300 million

‍Evolution of MrBeast's Thumbnail Strategy

Jimmy Donaldson, aka MrBeast, refined his YouTube thumbnail strategy, adapting to platform changes and viewer preferences. Let’s learn how MrBeast's evolving thumbnail approach has contributed to his channel's explosive growth and record-breaking view counts.

Early Thumbnails

MrBeast's YouTube journey began with basic gaming screenshots as thumbnails. Jimmy Donaldson's early designs were simple, focusing on gameplay moments. These initial thumbnails, while not flashy, set the stage for his future experiments and growth:

Static Gameplay Capture

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

These early thumbnails were simple frame grabs from MrBeast’s gameplay footage. While authentic, they lacked visual hierarchy and failed to stand out in YouTube’s dashboard. The 500k average views likely came from loyal subscribers rather than new viewers attracted by the thumbnail. Despite the simplicity of early thumbnails, the process of creating and uploading custom thumbnails can significantly enhance video appeal and visibility.

Text-Enhanced Gameplay Imagery

This iteration introduced basic graphic design elements, using yellow text overlays on gameplay backgrounds. The yellow text aimed to create contrast, but the busy backgrounds often reduced readability. The drop to 70k views suggests this approach didn't effectively communicate video content or generate curiosity.

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

Chromatic Backdrop with Pop Culture Elements

Moving to a more design-focused approach, these thumbnails utilized a full-spectrum background to create visual interest. The inclusion of recognizable figures or memes aimed to leverage familiarity for clicks. The slight increase to 100k views indicates improved audience engagement but still fell short of viral potential.

Dual-Tone Background with Minimalist Design

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

Moving to a more design-focused approach, these thumbnails utilized a full-spectrum background to create visual interest. The inclusion of recognizable figures or memes aimed to leverage familiarity for clicks. The slight increase to 100k views indicates improved audience engagement but still fell short of viral potential. With Rizzle, you can easily incorporate popular elements to make your thumbnails more engaging.

Dual-Tone Background with Minimalist Design

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

This design incorporated color psychology, using blue tones to evoke trust and professionalism. The white text provided strong contrast for readability. The rise to 120k views suggests this cleaner aesthetic resonated better with viewers, improving click-through rates.

Transitional Thumbnails

As MrBeast's channel grew, so did his thumbnail strategy. Jimmy Donaldson started testing different styles, adding text overlays, vibrant colors, and his image. This period of experimentation helped MrBeast find what worked best for his audience and content:

Monochromatic Background with Focal Element

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

These thumbnails took minimalism to the extreme, using a single-color background with either text or an image as the focal point. While visually striking, the 70k average views indicate this approach may have been too abstract for many viewers to grasp the video’s content quickly. Minimalistic designs can be effective, but having more customization options can help creators better tailor their thumbnails to their audience.

Personality-Focused Action Shot

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

Introducing MrBeast himself into the thumbnails marked a significant shift. These images provided context and built a personal connection. The jump to 400k views demonstrates the power of putting a face to the content, especially for a personality-driven channel.

‍High-Emotion Screenshot

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

These thumbnails used the power of spreading emotions. By featuring MrBeast's extreme expressions, they created immediate emotional impact and curiosity. The leap to 5 million views shows how effectively this tapped into viewers' instinctive responses.

Emotional Narrative with Typographic Hierarchy

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

Building on emotional appeal, these thumbnails told a story at a glance. Large white text for key information and green for money amounts created a clear visual hierarchy. This combination of emotional resonance and clear communication pushed views to 8 million.

Reaction-Centric with Subtle Branding

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

These thumbnails focused on genuine emotional reactions, using smaller, more subtle text. The green highlight for 'MrBeast' and donation amounts were consistent branding elements. This approach, emphasizing authenticity and human connection, saw views soar to 30 million.

High-Fidelity Portrait with Environmental Context

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

To improve the image quality, these thumbnails used crisp, close-up shots of MrBeast with carefully chosen backgrounds. The expressive facial features created an immediate emotional connection, while background elements hinted at high-stakes content. This professional-grade approach catapulted views to 150 million.

Current Thumbnails

Today, MrBeast's thumbnails are a key part of his success. This eye-catching YouTube thumbnail design, combined with his content, regularly draws hundreds of millions of views per video:

Hyper-Realistic Composite Imagery

(Source-MrBeast Youtube channel)

The latest evolution uses advanced photo manipulation to create surreal, attention-grabbing images. By juxtaposing MrBeast with extreme scenarios, these thumbnails trigger a strong curiosity gap, compelling viewers to click. This sophisticated approach, combined with MrBeast's established brand, has driven views to an astronomical 300 million.

‍Miscellaneous Thumbnails on MrBeast's YouTube Channel

Each of these thumbnail experiments demonstrates the importance of clear messaging, visual appeal, and understanding viewer psychology in creating successful YouTube thumbnails:

High-Contrast Text-Centric Design

MrBeast's black background with white text thumbnail for "If This Video Gets One Million Views" sparked massive curiosity. This simple yet effective design leverages the power of an open-ended challenge. The 12 million views prove how a well-crafted hook can drive engagement. This thumbnail style works incredibly well for MrBeast's challenge-based content.

Personality-Focused with Graphic Elements

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

For his YouTuber earnings series, MrBeast used focused images of creators with hand-drawn dollar signs. This combination of real people and playful graphics makes financial topics more approachable. Averaging 250k views, this thumbnail style effectively attracts viewers interested in the business side of YouTube. Developers can use similar graphic elements to enhance thumbnail designs and disclose data usage for better transparency.

Concept-Driven Contextual Imagery

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

MrBeast's "School Is A Waste Of Time" thumbnail features the word "DUMB" with school-related elements. This provocative approach quickly communicates the video's stance. The 500k average views show how combining a bold statement with relevant imagery can capture the audience's attention. This style works well for MrBeast's commentary and opinion-based content.

MrBeast Applying YouTube Thumbnail Tips

MrBeast, one of YouTube's most successful content creators, exemplifies the effective use of thumbnail design principles. Let's examine how his thumbnails align with key tips suggested by Google for creating engaging YouTube thumbnails:

Balanced Image

MrBeast's YouTube thumbnails often feature a central figure or object, typically himself or a vital element of the video's content. This creates a focal point that immediately draws the viewer's attention.


Vibrant colors and stark contrasts are hallmarks of MrBeast's thumbnails. He frequently uses bright backgrounds that make text and foreground elements pop, ensuring high visibility even on small screens.


MrBeast excels at capturing expressive facial reactions or dramatic poses in his thumbnails. These emotive images spark curiosity and connect with viewers emotionally, encouraging clicks.

Fewer Words, More Impact

His thumbnails typically feature short, punchy text - often just a few words in large, bold font. This brevity allows quick comprehension and heightens intrigue about the video's content.

Strategic Use of Empty Space

While MrBeast's thumbnails are often visually rich, he skillfully uses negative space to prevent clutter. This careful composition guides the viewer's eye to the most important elements.

Analyzing MrBeast's Thumbnails Using Rizzle's Criteria

Rizzle simplifies YouTube thumbnail creation. With Rizzle, you can quickly design eye-catching thumbnails with AI using customizable templates. It's user-friendly, efficient, and helps increase video click-through rates, making it valuable for content creators of all levels. 

While MrBeast's thumbnail strategy and data are undeniably successful regarding view counts, they present a mix of strengths and potential areas for improvement like:

Visual Design Elements

  • Image Balance: Generally strong, with central focal points. However, some thumbnails can appear cluttered, potentially overwhelming viewers.
  • Color Contrast: Excellent use of vibrant, contrasting colors. This approach, while attention-grabbing, can sometimes border on visually jarring.
  • Visual Clarity: Mixed results. While key elements are usually identifiable, the busy nature of some thumbnails may compromise overall clarity.
  • Emotional Impact: Effective use of exaggerated facial expressions, but risks becoming repetitive or losing authenticity over time.
  • Text Impact: Often relies heavily on no-text thumbnails, which can detract from textual elements.
  • Typography: Consistent and legible but lacks sophistication. The use of basic, bold fonts misses opportunities for more nuanced design.
  • Readability: Frequently compromised by using no text. While fonts are large, the amount of visual elements can be overwhelming at thumbnail size.
  • Design Flexibility: Shows some adaptation across topics but risks becoming formulaic, potentially leading to viewer fatigue.

Virality Factors

  • Celebrity Presence: Strong use of the personal brand, but over-reliance on self-imagery may limit the appeal to non-fans.
  • Title Catchiness: Effective in creating intrigue, though often verges on clickbait, which could erode viewer trust long-term.
  • Existing Channel Viewership: Benefits greatly from a large subscriber base.
  • Channel Content Quality: High video production values may compensate for less refined thumbnail designs.
  • Topic Relevance: Risks appearing opportunistic rather than genuinely innovative.

Types of Thumbnails MrBeast Uses

Each thumbnail type serves a specific purpose in MrBeast's content strategy. They're designed with a reason to stand out in a crowded feed, evoke emotion, spark curiosity, and ultimately, get that all-important click.

Shock and Awe

These thumbnails are designed to grab your attention instantly. They often feature extreme emotions or jaw-dropping scenarios that make you stop scrolling.


"I Spent 50 Hours Buried Alive" shows MrBeast with a panicked expression, partially buried in the dirt.

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

This thumbnail works because it triggers curiosity and emotional responses. You can't help but wonder, "What's going on here?" and click to find out more.


These thumbnails give you a glimpse of an exciting story, making you want to see how it unfolds.


"I Adopted EVERY Dog in a Dog Shelter" shows MrBeast surrounded by dozens of happy dogs, hinting at a heartwarming tale.

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

Challenges and Stunts

MrBeast is famous for his outrageous challenges, and his thumbnails reflect that excitement.


"Last To Leave $800,000 Island Keeps It" shows a tropical island with a huge text overlay of the prize amount.


When MrBeast teams up with other famous faces, his thumbnails make the most of star power.


"Anything You Can Fit In The Circle I'll Pay For" features MrBeast and popular YouTuber Mark Rober, both looking excited.

(Source-Mrbeast Youtube channel)

MrBeast's thumbnail evolution showcases the power of visual storytelling in YouTube success. Jimmy Donaldson's journey from simple gameplay captures to highly refined, emotion-driven thumbnails offers valuable lessons for content creators of all levels. By continuously experimenting and refining his approach, MrBeast has mastered the art of creating thumbnails that attract clicks and set viewer expectations for the content within.

Master Thumbnails Like MrBeast

For content creators looking to improve their thumbnail game, Rizzle offers a one-stop solution for creating eye-catching and high-quality thumbnails. With its AI-powered thumbnail tools, Rizzle helps creators start and continue designing professional-grade visuals that can enhance the appeal of their videos with just a few clicks. This makes it easier to apply the principles seen in MrBeast's strategy and works best for YouTube Thumbnail Guidelines, ensuring that your thumbnails are engaging and visually striking.

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