How to Make the Best Motivational Thumbnail For YouTube

How to Make the Best Motivational Thumbnail For YouTube

So, you want to make the best motivational thumbnail for YouTube that inspires people to click? You’re in the right place. A killer motivational YouTube thumbnail can make or break your success. 

The thumbnail is your first and last impression in a sea of YouTube content. So, how do you make this impression last?

Let’s see how to create the best motivational thumbnails for your YouTube channel that scream Watch Me Now.

Start With Emotion- Make Them Feel Something 

All right, motivation is all about emotions, right? Your goal is to inspire people, to motivate them. In your YouTube videos, you need to make your viewers believe they can run a marathon (even though they’ve run before). So, your thumbnail needs to channel all these emotions so your viewers connect with it.

Use Expressions

Facial expressions are key to achieving this. Even though your YouTube video thumbnails feature someone else, make sure the expressions and emotions are on point. 

Viewers connect to emotions and facial expressions. Think about those thumbnails where creators have that determined look of I’m Unstoppable and so are you. That is what you have to do through your thumbnails.

Action Shots

If you're doing faceless thumbnails, action shots are your best friend. Could you show your viewers shots of people who are actively doing something? This could be running, jumping, or performing some activity; this will motivate viewers to get up and move.

Text: Short, Bold, and Impactful

A vibrant neon "NOW" sign with colorful light trails and reflections in a dimly lit room.

When it comes to text for motivational YouTube thumbnails, less is more. Use impactful words and phrases, and keep it to 3-4 words max.

Keep It Simple

Use phrases that motivate people, like Rise Up, Crush It, or Mindset Shift. You want to add text that is easy and quick to understand. Motivational phrases are impactful and short without needing to add extra lines. Don't overload your thumbnail.

Bold, High Contrast Fonts

Your font needs to be bold, like in your face. The best font to use to achieve this effect is San Serif. You need your font to look simple but also bold and readable. And while we’re talking about fonts, make sure they fit well with your background image. A white font for a dark background or something vice versa? Perfection.

Pro Tip: Pick a single word or phrase that relates directly to your video’s message. You want your viewer to see the word and immediately connect it to a feeling—hope, excitement, determination.

Color Schemes That Pop

A man shouting towards a colorful soundwave pattern directed at an ear against a bright red background.

Color is huge when it comes to motivational thumbnails. Certain colors evoke certain emotions, so you need to choose wisely. Think about your favorite motivational videos and the colors used in those thumbnails; you see that they don't use moody or dark colors. Stick to colors that are bright, bold, and full of life.

Go Bright or Go Home

Colors like yellow, orange, and Red are associated with high energy, positivity, and action. These colors will motivate people to get up and feel inspired. On the flip side, blues and greens can evoke calm and trust—perfect if your video is more about finding inner peace or reflection.

Contrast Is Key

If you want your YouTube thumbnail design to stand out in the sea of content, make sure your colors pop. An Instagram-clickable bright yellow or orange background with dark text is Ideal. You can also try a high-contrast gradient that makes your text and images leap off the screen.

Pro Tip: Experiment with gradients and overlays. A color overlay on top of your image (like a transparent red or yellow) can add depth and give your YouTube thumbnails that vibe. Plus, it makes text easier to read.

Add a Sense Of Urgency

A bold red sign, that reads Important with a microphone.

What’s more motivational than urgency? People don't want to miss out on anything, especially something that could change their life. You can use elements in your thumbnail that scream You NEED this right now!

Timers or Progress Bars

Ever seen those thumbnails with countdowns and progress bars? This indicates that something big is happening or the feeling of missing out on something (FOMO). This will instantly make the viewers click.

Use Words That Encourage Action

Words like “Now,” “Today,” or “Ready?” in your YouTube thumbnails can do wonders for pushing someone to act. It creates that sense of urgency, as if they need to click right away if they want to be a part of the experience.

Consistency Is Key- Branding and Customization

Hourglass with golden sand on a pink and red background

Don't create one-hit-wonder YouTube video thumbnails. Consistency is key  for your YouTube thumbnail design if you are planning to build a motivational channel. Make sure to maintain the quality of your thumbnails. Viewers should recognize your content at a glance.

Use a Consistent Style

Stick to similar fonts, colors, or layouts across your YouTube thumbnails. Whether it's a specific color scheme or a style of action shot, consistency makes your brand stronger and easier to recognize.

Think about creators like Sean Does Magic, they’re nailing it with thumbnails that are instantly recognizable.

Include a Branding Element

While you don’t want to clutter your thumbnail, a small logo or watermark in the corner can help solidify your brand. Just make sure it doesn’t distract from the main message of the thumbnail.

Incorporate Movement

You might be thinking, It's just a thumbnail; how can I show movement? The hack is to choose images that imply a movement. Motivational content often focuses on growth, action, or transformation. Your thumbnail should reflect that.

Blurry Backgrounds

Use a slightly blurred background to create the illusion of movement or focus, especially if the main subject is in motion (like running, jumping, or lifting something). This makes the action look even more dramatic.

Action Arrows and Icons

A purple bead surrounded by colorful arrows pointing in different directions on a white background

Arrows, steps, or progress icons are great for your YouTube thumbnail images. These will imply that something is moving forward, growing, or changing. Use these elements to show the journey your viewer is about to see in your videos.

Motivational YouTube video thumbnails are about creating an emotional connection with your audience. Keep your design simple yet impactful, use powerful visuals, and don’t be afraid to play with colors that energize and inspire.

At the end of the day, create YouTube thumbnails that inspire people and make them feel like they can conquer the world because that’s exactly what motivation is all about.

Why Rizzle's AI Editor is a Game-Changer for Custom Thumbnails

A colorful banner with the text "Let AI Choose!" and a call to action button labeled "Rizzle it!"

With the help of Rizzle AI, choosing a perfect layout and creating high-quality motivational YouTube thumbnails can be easier than ever. Rizzle offers YouTube thumbnail templates, a custom thumbnail maker, and a user-friendly interface, and it ensures that you follow YouTube thumbnail best practices to create your eye-catching thumbnail quickly.

Using a solid YouTube thumbnail template from Rizzle can streamline the process and help you maintain consistency in your YouTube thumbnail design. Free YouTube thumbnail templates often lack the uniqueness needed to make your videos stand out.

Man relaxing in front of a laptop with vibrant thumbnails around him and text reading 'Create eye-catching thumbnails in minutes!' Rizzle logo at the bottom."

Optimized Image Balance and User-friendly interface

Rizzle's thumbnail maker applies the Rule of Thirds and advanced compositing techniques to make your thumbnails visually balanced and compelling.

Eye-Catching Color Contrast

With a focus on color theory, Rizzle ensures the perfect contrast between foreground and background, making your thumbnails stand out even in crowded feeds.

Emotional Impact

Expressive facial recognition technology helps Rizzle pick the best emotions for your thumbnails, engaging viewers at first glance.

Text Readability

Rizzle’s AI ensures the text on your thumbnail is always clear and easy to read, even on smaller screens.

High Flexibility

Whether you're creating custom YouTube thumbnails for vlogs or tutorials, Rizzle's templates adapt to any content type, ensuring brand consistency.

Rizzle focuses on creating a YouTube thumbnail design that is clean, engaging, and speaks to your content. An eye-catching YouTube thumbnail is essential for grabbing viewers’ attention as they scroll.

Whether creating YouTube thumbnails from scratch or using Rizzle, always aim to balance creativity and clarity to boost your engagement!

Let Rizzle’s Custom Thumbnail feature do the heavy lifting so you can focus on making great content!

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