Top 13 Layouts For Your YouTube Thumbnail Templates

Did you know 90% of the best-performing videos on YouTube have custom thumbnails?

We all know that custom thumbnails play a key role in YouTube; they can either make or break your engagement.

Can you guess what sets your YouTube videos apart? It's the thumbnail or, more importantly, the layout you choose for your thumbnail. 

When you create YouTube thumbnails, selecting a layout that captures attention and accurately represents your content is key to boosting viewer engagement.

Even though you have the best-quality images or good color contrast, if the thumbnail is cluttered with elements, everybody will scroll past it. So, how do you create a clean and engaging layout?

Let’s find out. These are the top layouts you can use to create your next thumbnails.

The Classic Close-Up In YouTube Thumbnails

MrBeast in a shopping cart, A photo of a box of Cheez-It crackers in the background with the text "DAY #150" written on it.
Source: MrBeast's YouTube thumbnail

You must have seen all those in-your-face images of YouTubers with strong emotions. Have you ever wondered why they do that?

People are usually drawn to faces and expressions, whether sad, happy, or excited.

A close-up with extreme emotions and some text? Boom, the perfect clickbait (trust me, in a good way).

One person that pops into mind is MrBeast. He has the best close-up shots and expressions that quickly draw people in. His thumbnails are all about those in-your-face shots and dramatic expressions.

The Before and After (Split Screen)

Depicting the before and after results of a lower back exercise.
Source: Calisthenicmovement's YouTube thumbnail

Those before and after shots? They are a game changer. The comparison or complementary elements work well and balance the thumbnail.

These Before and After shots are perfect storytelling. “I looked like this before, and look at me now” is super effective.

Every fitness channel loves this layout and uses it to show its fitness journey or body transformation.

One perfect example is Calisthenicmovement, where the fitness influencer often uses the split-screen layout.

Object Focused 

Unbox therapy comparing foldable and unfold able phones
Source: Unbox Therapy's YouTube thumbnail

Sometimes, switching to faceless could be your best option. There are no faces, no expressions, only the object taking center stage.

This layout works perfectly for your object, be it a gadget, makeup, or a new device.

Have you ever seen those unboxing thumbnails from Unbox Therapy? They are the best object-focused thumbnails you can find. Placing the object at the focal point brings the viewer's attention directly to it. 

Minimalist Layout 

A woman and a kid gardening
Source: Zoe Sugg's YouTube thumbnail

Sometimes, less is more. Instead of adding all the elements to your thumbnails, try keeping them minimal with rich aesthetics.

This is effective when you want to draw attention to the crowded YouTube feed or build intrigue.

Zoe Sugg has the most visually aesthetic content. With her minimal text and clean images, she aced the minimalist game. Her thumbnails are clean and engaging, as they don’t clutter. 

Action Shots In YouTube Video Thumbnails

A man tossing a paper roll, across the room
Source: Dude Perfect's YouTube thumbnail

Those mid-jump shots or the car racing shot could be your thumbnails' focus. Action shots are the most engaging and raw form of thumbnails.

Be it shooting a ball into the basket or doing a black flip, these shots capture the most interesting part of your action. These shots intrigue the viewers and urge them to find out more.  

Dude Perfect’s Thumbnails has great action shots. His high-energy tricks and stunts are often caught mid-motion. From throwing a ball into a basket to flying drones, their dynamic shots are usually the center of attraction 

Text Layout 

A politician is shown with a chaotic background and text explaining the situation
Source: TLDR's YouTube thumbnail

Text is the trickiest part of your thumbnail. It’s a thin line between overdoing it and adding the right amount. Using short and impactful words and phrases is how you ace the text game.

TLDR is the best example. It uses words and phrases that are impactful and to the point. News channels often use this layout to get straight to the point. 

Layout with Elements that Pop Out 

A cartoon image of a man with glasses and a pink shirt, surrounded by puzzle pieces and guns, with the word "SHROUD" repeated many times.
Source: Shroud's YouTube thumbnail

This is where your creativity could take the steering wheel. You can use 3D effects or highlight certain elements so that they pop out.

For example,Shroud's thumbnails are crafted with creativity.  An object or a certain character can pop out from the frame, the background can be blurred, and the foreground elements pop out. This quickly catches the viewer’s eye. 

Over-the-shoulder Shot 

A man posing with two other men in the background.
Source: Casey Neistat's YouTube thumbnail

When done right over the shoulder, shots can be the best shots. It’s like giving the viewer a sneak peek into the video without revealing too much. When you see the viewer interacting with your subject, it looks like the viewer is peeking into your world.

Casey Neistat often has the perfect over-the-shoulder shots. Be it a shot of him racing on his skateboard or taking you for a stroll on the streets of New York. These shots often hook you as they are from the creator’s POV. 

Cinematic Still

Deadpool, in a mask, holding action figures of Captain America and Wolverine, with the text "Just a game?" above.
Source: Film Theory's YouTube thumbnail

Want to look professional? Using cinematic shots or dramatic stills can elevate your thumbnails and give them a high-production feel. This layout can create an enticing and storytelling atmosphere for your thumbnails.

Film theory is the best example of cinematic stills; it uses this layout to create movie buffs. Their dramatic thumbnails hint at the exciting analysis and theories awaiting viewers, making it a must-click for film lovers.

This layout enhances the professionalism of their channel and signals to the audience that they can expect quality content.

Question Format

A product label with text about a liquid fountain, healthy glow, and other makeup essentials " with a price.
Source: James Charles's YouTube thumbnail

Have you ever thought of asking a question on your thumbnail?

This layout can pique curiosity and entice clicks, making viewers want to find out more about your content. It is perfect for building that curiosity in your viewers.

James Charles is known for his question-based thumbnails. Whether he’s asking if a product is worth it or teasing a new makeup look, his questions get viewers thinking and clicking.

This layout engages the audience right away, inviting them to find the answers in the video and sparking discussions, fostering a sense of community.

The Overlay Effect

Humorous thumbnail of a chef seasoning a large pot with a shocked woman inside, surrounded by vegetables, for dramatic effect
Source: Troom Troom's YouTube thumbnail

Add some extra Pizza's with the overlay effect. This layout overlays graphics or icons on top of your main image, adding extra flair and context to the visual.

Troom Troom loves to use overlays in their thumbnails. Their quirky graphics and fun text make it clear that their DIY content is all about creativity and fun.

The overlays often enhance the theme of the video, inviting viewers to dive into the whimsy and excitement of their content, and adding a layer of engagement that makes the thumbnails pop.

The College Style

A woman holding a popsicle, with a college and text
Source: Rosana Pansino's YouTube thumbnail

If you want to give viewers a sneak peek of what’s in store, try the collage style! This layout mixes multiple images to showcase different aspects of your video, offering a visual buffet that can be hard to resist.
Rosanna Pansino nails the collage layout. Her thumbnails often feature mouthwatering images of her baking creations alongside fun graphics related to her video theme.

This approach invites viewers into her colorful world of treats and makes it feel like they’re getting a taste of several video elements. It’s like a mini preview that makes you crave more, promising an engaging and delightful experience.

Comparison Layout

Man looking at the phones in the foreground.
Source: Marques Brownlee's YouTube thumbnail

The comparison layout highlights two or more items or concepts side by side, inviting viewers to explore the differences or similarities. This approach works great for product reviews, tutorials, or challenges.

Marques Brownlee often employs this layout for tech comparisons, showcasing two devices side by side with clear labels.

This format helps viewers quickly grasp the main points of the comparison, enticing them to click and learn more about which product best suits their needs.

When designing your YouTube thumbnail images, consider using different layouts, such as split screens or collages, to showcase multiple elements and make your content more visually appealing.

Want to level up your YouTube channel? Choosing the right thumbnail layouts is the secret to catching viewers' eyes and making your videos impossible to resist.

Quick Recap: Essential Takeaways for Thumbnail Layout Success

A clipboard with a sticky note labeled "Recap" on a brown desk.

Layout Content-Type
The Classic close-up Vlogging, Reactions, and Personality content
The Before and After (Split Screen) Makeovers, Tutorials, and Fitness Transformations
Object Focused Product specific, Tutorials, Unboxing
Minimalist Layout Artsy content, Lifestyle, Travel, or Any content with visual aesthetics
Action Shots High energy, Challenges, and adventure content
Text Layout Tutorials, Commentary, or Explanation videos
Layout with Elements that Pop Out Gaming, High adventure, and High Energy
Over-the-shoulder Vlogging channels, Tutorials, Gaming and Tech reviews
Cinematic Still Movie reviews, Film analysis, and Drama-based content
Question Format Makeup, Tutorials, and Interactive Content
The College Style Cooking channels, DIY, and Variety-based content
The Overlay Effect DIY, Tutorials, Craft, or Fun-oriented content
Comparison Layout Tech reviews, Product comparisons, and Tutorials

Crafting the perfect thumbnail is all about having fun and experimenting with layouts that vibe with your content and audience. You've got many cool options, from the classic close-up to the eye-catching collage, so why not use them to make your YouTube videos pop?

However, finding the perfect layout for your custom YouTube thumbnails could be time-consuming and tedious.

You might be wondering if there’s a quick tip to make these above tasks easy. What if you choose AI to create your thumbnails with the perfect layouts?

A colorful banner with the text "Let AI Choose!" and a button labeled "Rizzle it!".

With the help of Rizzle AI, choosing a perfect layout and creating high-quality YouTube thumbnails can be easier than ever. Rizzle offers thumbnail templates, a thumbnail maker, and a user-friendly interface, and it ensures that you follow YouTube thumbnail best practices to create eye-catching thumbnails quickly.

When it comes to YouTube thumbnail best practices, it's all about nailing that first impression. Using a solid YouTube thumbnail template from Rizzle can streamline the process and help you maintain consistency across your channel.

Why Rizzle's AI Editor is a Game-Changer for Custom Thumbnails

Man relaxing with "Create eye-catching thumbnails in minutes" text.

Optimized Image Balance and User-friendly interface

Rizzle applies the Rule of Thirds and advanced compositing techniques to make your thumbnails visually balanced and compelling.

Eye-Catching Color Contrast

With a focus on color theory, Rizzle ensures the perfect contrast between foreground and background, making your thumbnails stand out even in crowded feeds.

Emotional Impact

Expressive facial recognition technology helps Rizzle pick the best emotions for your thumbnails, engaging viewers at first glance.

Text Readability

Rizzle’s AI ensures the text on your thumbnail is always clear and easy to read, even on smaller screens.

High Flexibility

Whether you're creating thumbnails for vlogs or tutorials, Rizzle's templates adapt to any content type, ensuring brand consistency.

Rizzle focuses on creating a YouTube thumbnail design that is clean, engaging, and speaks to your content. An eye-catching YouTube thumbnail is essential for grabbing viewers’ attention as they scroll.

Whether creating YouTube thumbnails from scratch or using Rizzle, always aim to balance creativity and clarity to boost your engagement!

Let Rizzle’s Custom Thumbnail feature do the heavy lifting so you can focus on making great content!

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