Zero to 1.16 Billion: SunnyV2's YouTube Thumbnail Strategy

It's a quiet evening in January 2019. Somewhere in Australia, a young man named Lachlan Windross is sitting at his computer, about to upload his first YouTube video. Little does he know that in just five years, his channel - soon to be known as SunnyV2 - would rack up a staggering 1.16 billion views.

How did he do it? Was it just luck? Amazing content? Well, those played a part. But there was another secret weapon in SunnyV2's arsenal: his thumbnails.

That's right, those little images you see before you click on a video? They're more powerful than you might think. And SunnyV2 mastered the art of creating thumbnails that make scrolling thumbs stop dead in their tracks.

We'll explore how Sunny V2 YouTube thumbnails evolved, what made them work, and, most importantly, what we can learn from them. Whether you're watching on a desktop or mobile device, by the end of this post, you'll be ready to create your own attention-grabbing thumbnails.

Who is SunnyV2?

Screenshot of the SunnyV2 YouTube Channel dashboard page. Image depicts the example of frame templates used by SunnyV2

Before we jump into the thumbnail magic, let's get to know our YouTube star.

For those who aren’t familiar with, SunnyV2, or Lachlan Windross, is an Australian commentary YouTuber that focuses on the rise and fall of internet personalities. His channel has seen massive growth thanks to his in-depth analysis and, of course, custom thumbnails with illustrated portraits that grab viewers' attention.

  • Name: Lachlan Windross
  • YouTube Persona: SunnyV2
  • Niche: Commentary on pop culture and social media personalities
  • Channel Launch Date: January 22, 2019
  • Current Stats:
    • Subscribers: 4.1 million
    • Total Views: 1.16 billion
    • Videos Uploaded: 236

From zero to over a billion views in just five years - that's the kind of growth most YouTubers can only dream of!

The Evolution of SunnyV2's Thumbnails

SunnyV2’s YouTube video thumbnails aren’t just random images slapped onto his videos. They’re carefully designed to convey the message and theme of the video, making viewers want to click.

Let’s break it down:

Phase 1: The Early Days (2019-2020)

SunnyV2 Youtube thumbnail picture which has a text "They Always End Up Failing"

When SunnyV2 first started his channel, he needed to stand out in a sea of content. Here's how his early thumbnails looked:

  • Style: Simple, bold, and eye-catching
  • Key Elements:
    • Custom illustrated portraits
    • High-contrast colors (usually white and red text on a black background)
    • Minimal text, usually just a name or short phrase

These early thumbnails helped SunnyV2 establish his brand. When viewers saw these distinctive images in their recommended videos or search results, they immediately knew it was a SunnyV2 video.


  • Average Views: 1.8 million to 14 million per video
  • Subscriber Growth: From 0 to over 2 million

Phase 2: Adding Depth (2020-2021)

SunnyV2 YouTube thumbnail depicts the illustrated image and graph paper with red pointer line representing impossible downfall

As his channel grew, SunnyV2 started to experiment with his thumbnails. He introduced a new style for his "rise and fall" videos:

  • New Elements:
    • Consistent illustrated figures
    • Graphs with green or red pointer lines
    • Brighter backgrounds

These thumbnails told a story at a glance. Viewers could immediately see if the video was about someone's rise to fame (upward graph) or fall from grace (downward graph).


  • Views: 1 million to 7.9 million per video
  • Continued steady growth in subscribers

Phase 3: The Blank Space Revolution (2021-Present)

SunnyV2 thumbnail image with illustrated portraits of a man and a screenshot of the social media post and a image screensh

In his most recent evolution, SunnyV2 has mastered the art of using blank space in his thumbnails:

  • Advanced Techniques:
    • Close-up illustrations of personalities
    • Controversial social media screenshots
    • Eye-catching highlights and dramatic effects

By cleverly using blank space, SunnyV2 creates depth and intrigue in his thumbnails. This makes viewers curious and more likely to click.


  • Views: 5 million to 15 million per video
  • Rapid growth to 4.1 million subscribers

Changing Strategy: Adapt or Fade Away

Illustration of a red van with kids inside the van and runs outside the van with a text "10 Kids...1 Van"

SunnyV2’s approach to YouTube thumbnails evolved as he understood the importance of adapting to audience behavior. His newer thumbnails focused on using bright colors, eye-catching photos, and emotive pictures. This change allowed his videos to stand out in an ever-crowded platform.

What Changed:

  • More Colorful Templates: SunnyV2 began to explore templates that included vibrant colors, catching the eye of potential viewers scrolling through their feeds.
  • Iconography & Nostalgia: Incorporating game icons or nostalgic images from pop culture, SunnyV2 attracted fans of specific genres or creators.
  • Mastering the Click: By continuously optimizing his YouTube thumbnails, SunnyV2 ensured that his videos stood out across mobile devices and desktop platforms.

What Can We Learn from SunnyV2's Thumbnail Strategy?

Screenshot of the SunnyV2's YouTube page.

If you’re looking to grow your YouTube channel, here are key lessons you can take from SunnyV2’s thumbnail strategy:

  1. Consistency is Key: SunnyV2 kept core elements like illustrated potraits consistent, helping viewers instantly recognize his content in search results and recommended videos.
  2. Evolve Gradually: Notice how SunnyV2 didn't completely change his style overnight. He made small changes over time, keeping his audience along for the ride.
  3. Tell a Story: The best thumbnails give viewers a taste of what the video is about without giving everything away.
  4. Use Contrast: Bright colors and high contrast make thumbnails pop on both desktop and mobile devices.
  5. Experiment and Analyze: SunnyV2 clearly tested different styles and stuck with what worked best for his audience.

Tips for Creating Your Own Killer YouTube Thumbnails

Screenshot of the SunnyV2's popular section YouTube page depicting successful thumbnails

Here are some of the tips to create your own custom youtube thumbnail image

  1. Find Your Unique Style: Develop a look that represents your brand and stands out in search results.
  2. Think Mobile-First: Most YouTube views come from mobile devices. Make sure your thumbnails look good on small screens.
  3. Use Templates: Starting with a template can help maintain consistency across your videos. Many online tools offer customizable templates.
  4. Play with Text: Use bold, readable fonts. But remember, less is often more when it comes to text on thumbnails.
  5. Capture Emotions: Faces that show strong emotions tend to attract more clicks.
  6. A/B Test: Try different thumbnail styles for similar videos and see which ones perform better.

SunnyV2’s Thumbnails Against YouTube’s Thumbnail Guidelines

When creating thumbnails, YouTube recommends following certain guidelines to maximize their impact. These include focusing on clear imagery, bold contrasts, and emotional appeal to grab attention quickly. Comparing SunnyV2's thumbnails to YouTube's thumbnail guidelines, we can see how well his designs align with key elements like image balance, emotion, and word usage.

Youtube’s Criteria SunnyV2 Score
Image Balance The effective use of the rule of thirds, along with well-balanced illustrations, bold typography, and dramatic situational elements from the beginning, helped the YouTuber establish a distinct identity, leading to a consistent rise in viewership. 5/5
Contrast The thumbnails typically feature a dark background with bright, contrasting text colors like red, white, or orange to make the text stand out and instantly grab viewers' attention. However, when red is used against a black backdrop (Type 1), the visual appeal diminishes because the colors don’t blend well. 4/5
Emotions Facial expressions in the images often convey emotions like shock, sadness, or intensity, matching the dramatic content. However, often emotions are subtle or neutral, they may fail to establish a strong connection, leaving potential viewers less compelled to engage. 2/5
Lesser Words Thumbnails often feature brief, impactful text that uses provocative language to spark viewers' interest. However, inconsistent usage of words sometimes fails to convey the message clearly, potentially affecting viewership. 2/5
Blank Spaces Initially, blank spaces were underutilized, but over time, subtle visual effects like flames, shadows, and dramatic elements were added, creating a contrasting bright aesthetic that enhanced the video's mood. However, these effects weren't intense enough to consistently attract viewers. 3.5/5
Total Score 3.3/5

Rizzle’s Criteria for a Killer Thumbnail
Rizzle’s Criteria SunnyV2 Score
Image Balance By skillfully applying the rule of thirds, along with well-positioned illustrations, bold text, and dramatic situational elements from the outset, the YouTuber crafted a unique identity, contributing to a steady increase in viewership. 4/5
Color Contrast Thumbnails usually have a dark themed background with bright, contrasting text colors like red, white, or orange to catch viewers' attention. However, when red is used on a black backdrop (Type 1), the visual impact weakens as the colors don’t complement each other well. 3/5
Visual Clarity The thumbnails clearly convey the subject matter and controversy at a glance due to its highly edited illustrations and focus on minute details enhanced the quality of the thumbnail increasing the chances of visibility. 4/5
Emotions Facial expressions in the images often convey emotions like shock, sadness, or intensity, matching the dramatic content. However, often emotions are subtle or neutral, they may fail to establish a strong connection, leaving potential viewers less compelled to engage. 1/5
Word Impact Thumbnails often feature brief, impactful text that uses provocative language to spark viewers' interest. However, inconsistent usage of words sometimes fails to convey the message clearly, potentially affecting viewership. 1/5
Typography Bold typography and varying font sizes highlight key words but in many instances red text on a black background may lack contrast, leading to eye strain and reduced engagement. 2/5
Readability Despite the focus on key phrases, the broken texture of the font design makes it difficult to read, which may reduce click-through rates. 0/5
Flexibility The inflexibility of the thumbnail design, reliant on manual effects and numerous elements, can slow production and limit content release. This may lead to reduced viewership, as a less frequent upload schedule can diminish audience engagement and interest. 1/5
Total Score 3.2/5

Level Up Your Thumbnail Game with Rizzle

Use Rizzle AI to create custom youtube thumbnails. Image depicts the Rizzle logo with text "Let AI Choose! Rizzle it!"

Speaking of tools for creating great thumbnails, have you heard of Rizzle? It's a user-friendly platform that can help you create eye-catching thumbnails in minutes.

This AI-powered tool analyzes your video, selects the best frames, and customizes a thumbnail optimized for desktop and mobile device.

A women showcasing the use of Rizzle AI with a split image showcasing without Rizzle and with Rizzle. Create your thumbnails now with Rizzle AI generator

With Rizzle, you can:

  • Choose from a variety of templates suitable for any niche
  • Customize images, aspect ratio, edit text, and graphics easily
  • Preview how your thumbnail will look on different devices
  • Once your creation is done, hit the download button.

Whether you're running a gaming channel, a cooking show, or anything in between, Rizzle has tools to help you create thumbnails that stand out.

Your Thumbnails, Your Success

SunnyV2's journey from a new channel to a billion-view phenomenon is truly impressive. While great content was certainly a big part of his success, we can't overlook the role his eye-catching thumbnails played in attracting viewers.

Remember, your thumbnail is like a mini-poster for your video. It's often the first (and sometimes only) chance you have to grab someone's attention. So take a page from SunnyV2's book: be consistent, be bold, and don't be afraid to evolve.

Don’t just rely on basic photos—explore different styles, adapt to your audience, and, most importantly, make use of tools like Rizzle to make your thumbnails stand out.

Ready to start creating thumbnails that'll make your viewers click? Why not give Rizzle a try? Who knows - with the right combination of great content and stellar thumbnails, you might be the next YouTuber we're writing about!

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